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ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox für Herren - Luxus Uhrenetui Display Organizer, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter Großer Glasdeckel (Schwarz/Grau)

4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 899 Sternebewertungen

99,95 €
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{"desktop_buybox_group_1":[{"displayPrice":"99,95 €","priceAmount":99.95,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"99","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"95","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"XcdA6UszFrNMdR1AJ9K1MphjzcEyK7ewLqRexyo%2BzZeRSt%2BMPr4YeJ0KX1PrILiQX9CrbWvUiKNVSnGIPxF0IWeQh%2FczNNZH4hzSQXiML5B%2Bkr0Hu4pCwuucd1RuT64STgLWSYV13AzI%2B5rNDIWM2OaLkjRsHNkkdNrR%2BM7Fn15EFxSxMmuobGt0t%2BsgtFZr","locale":"de-DE","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":0}]}

Kaufoptionen und Plus-Produkte

Farbe Braun
Material Kunstleder
Stil Einzigartiges
Besonderes Merkmal [Schloss, liniert]
Produktabmessungen 40,6T x 24,1B x 9,5H cm
Zielgruppe Herren
Form Rechteckig
Anlass Ruhestand

Info zu diesem Artikel

  • 16 GROSSE UHRENFÄCHER: Jedes Kissen hält eine kleine oder große Uhr bis zu 60 mm nebeneinander. Zwischen Deckel und Kissen ist viel Platz für Uhren jeder Größe.
  • PERFEKTES GESCHENK: Ob Vatertagsgeschenk für Papa, Jubiläumsgeschenk für Ihren Mann, Geburtstagsgeschenk für Ihren Sohn oder Weihnachtsgeschenk für die Frau, Sie werden selbst den schwierigsten Empfänger begeistern. Unser Unisex-Design ist perfekt für jeden Uhrensammler in Ihrem Leben! Oder gib es dir selbst! Ihre Uhren haben es verdient!
  • UNÜBERTROFFENE QUALITÄT UND AUSGEZEICHNETES DESIGN: Unsere Box verfügt über ein einzigartiges Design aus der Mitte des Jahrhunderts, das die perfekte Kombination aus Klasse und Funktionalität ist. Jede Box verwendet einen Holzrahmen, der mit hochwertigem schwarzem PU-Leder umwickelt ist. Die Innenseite ist mit elegantem, karminrotem Micro-Wildleder bezogen.
  • ABMESSUNGEN: Außen: 16 Zoll lang x 9½ Zoll breit x 3¾ Zoll hoch. Gewicht: 4,8 LBS

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Dieser Artikel: ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox für Herren - Luxus Uhrenetui Display Organizer, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter Großer Glasdeckel (Schwarz/Grau)
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Nur noch 15 auf Lager
Verkauf durch Rothwell SF, Lieferung durch Amazon Fulfillment.
Lieferung 15 März - 17
Nur noch 4 auf Lager
Versandt und verkauft von Seller-Max.
Erhalte es bis Dienstag, 18. März
Nur noch 17 auf Lager
Verkauf durch Time Grow, Lieferung durch Amazon Fulfillment.
Gesamtpreis: $00
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16 GROSSE UHRENFÄCHER: Jedes Kissen hält eine kleine oder große Uhr bis zu 60 mm nebeneinander. Zwischen Deckel und Kissen ist viel Platz für Uhren jeder Größe.

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PERFEKTES GESCHENK: Ob Vatertagsgeschenk für Papa, Jubiläumsgeschenk für Ihren Mann, Geburtstagsgeschenk für Ihren Sohn oder Weihnachtsgeschenk für die Frau, Sie werden selbst den schwierigsten Empfänger begeistern. Unser Unisex-Design ist perfekt für jeden Uhrensammler in Ihrem Leben! Oder gib es dir selbst! Ihre Uhren haben es verdient!

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UNÜBERTROFFENE QUALITÄT UND AUSGEZEICHNETES DESIGN: Unsere Box verfügt über ein einzigartiges Design aus der Mitte des Jahrhunderts, das die perfekte Kombination aus Klasse und Funktionalität ist. Jede Box verwendet einen Holzrahmen, der mit hochwertigem schwarzem PU-Leder umwickelt ist. Die Innenseite ist mit elegantem, karminrotem Micro-Wildleder bezogen.

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ABMESSUNGEN: Außen: 16 Zoll lang x 9½ Zoll breit x 3¾ Zoll hoch. Gewicht: 4,8 LBS

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ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox für Herren - Luxus Uhrenetui Display Organizer, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter Großer Glasdeckel (Schwarz/Grau)

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ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox für Herren - Luxus Uhrenetui Display Organizer, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter Großer Glasdeckel (Schwarz/Grau)
ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox für Herren - Luxus Uhrenetui Display Organizer, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter Großer Glasdeckel (Schwarz/Grau)
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ROTHWELL 12 Slot Leder Uhrenbox Luxus Uhrengehäuse, Herren Aufbewahrungsboxen Halter (Schwarz/Grau)
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ROTHWELL Leder-Uhrenbox mit 10 Fächern, Luxus-Uhrenetui, Display-Organizer, abschließbarer Schmuck-Uhrenhalter mit Glasdeckel (Hellbraun/Braun)
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Zum Einkaufswagen hinzugefügt
Zum Einkaufswagen hinzugefügt
Zum Einkaufswagen hinzugefügt
Zum Einkaufswagen hinzugefügt
Preis99,95€79,00€99,95€-15% 76,49€
Statt:89,99 €
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Erhalte es bis Montag, 17. März
Bewertung durch Kunden
Verkauft von
Besonderes Merkmal
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Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


4,7 von 5 Sternen
899 weltweite Bewertungen

Dieses Produkt bewerten

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Die Kunden sagen

Kunden sind mit der Qualität und Optik des Produkts zufrieden. Sie beschreiben es als hochwertig, stabil und robust. Die Materialien werden als sauber verarbeitet beschrieben. Außerdem wird die schöne Optik gelobt.

KI-generiert aus dem Text von Kundenrezensionen.

Auswählen, um mehr zu erfahren

8 Kunden erwähnen „Qualität"8 positiv0 negativ

Kunden sind mit der Qualität des Produkts zufrieden. Sie beschreiben die Materialien als hochwertig und sauber verarbeitet. Die Box wird als stabil, robust und qualitativ hochwertig beschrieben.

"Qualitativ hochwertig gefertigt. sehr schönes Design. Grösse der Kissen/Platzverhältnisse für die Uhren perfekt. Made in USA, was perfekt ist." Mehr

"Tolle Box gut verarbeitet und die Farbkombi ganz mein Geschmack...." Mehr

"Sehr schön und Stabil gefällt mir sehr gut." Mehr

"...begeistert über das Geschenk und gab mir als Feedback dass die Box sehr stabil und robust sei" Mehr

7 Kunden erwähnen „Optik"7 positiv0 negativ

Kunden sind mit der Optik des Produkts zufrieden. Sie beschreiben es als schön und stabil.

"Qualitativ hochwertig gefertigt. sehr schönes Design. Grösse der Kissen/Platzverhältnisse für die Uhren perfekt. Made in USA, was perfekt ist." Mehr

"Sehr schönes Produkt. Abgesehen vom Schloss fühlt sich alles sehr Wertigkeit an." Mehr

"Sehr schön und Stabil gefällt mir sehr gut." Mehr

"Sehr schön verarbeitet! War echt überrascht! Schönes Teil, zu schade um in der Schublade zu verschwinden! 👍👍👍..." Mehr

Excellent value for money
5 von 5 Sternen
Excellent value for money
Very good box - appropriate spacing between the watches, presentable and looks good. The cushions are tight in the spaces and it’s a solid box with felt on the bottom of the box.The only downside would be the taping of the leatherette around the corners.
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  • Amazon Customer
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Things Got Very Complicated
    Bewertet in den USA am27. März 2023
    Farbe: Schwarz/RotVerifizierter Kauf
    [EDIT1/1]: The third Rotnwell case I ordered was the single tiered 12-slot case. Amazing! It came in two days! I have one thing to say about the packaging. NOW THAT'S HOW TWO PACKAGE A ROTHWELL CASE FOR SHIPPING!!! It arrived quickly and in immaculate shape. I need to order the two-tiered 12-slot case next. 👍
    ● THINGS GOT VERY COMPLICATED: I made the right purchases, but things went wrong. Three items arrived in a 16"×18"×12" box. 1.) the 2.4 lb watch repair kit was 9.33"D×14.17"W×1.54"H, 2.) the smaller 4.8 lb Rothwell case was 9.5"D×16.0"W×3.75"H, and 3.) the larger 7.5 lb Rothwell case was 9.5"D×16.0"W×5.375"H. When they were shipped, they were prepped for gift-wrapping, not prepped for shipment. Somebody used only four of those little air pillows in a row to protect everything, and the first and fourth pillows were deflated. Damage was almost guaranteed to occur. One of the corners of the outer shipping box was torn from top to bottom.
    ● PACKING FOR TRANSPORT: The single-tier twelve-slot case arrived in pristine condition. But the two-tier twelve-slot case with jewelry drawer arrived as a threat to health and safety. Unboxing started with pleasantly heightened anticipation and ended with a vacuum cleaner. I'm not sure what the transparent part of the lid is made of, but it shatters just like glass. Uncountable little pieces clinked and tinkled as we cautiously raised the styrofoam sheet only to confirm our disappointment. I was looking forward to the delivery, but I anticipated no problems. Was my anticipation rewarded? Yes. Was it denied? Yes. Because "Things Got Very Complicated". Now I have to hope the replacement arrives in better shape than the first one did. The Rothwell b9x had a giant "V"-shaped gash in the top and it was full of pieces of shattered glass.
    ● HALF INCH THICK DIVIDERS: The dividers are more or less, near 12.7 mm or 0.5 in wide. These are not thin cardboard slats that change position depending on the humidity. Rothwell dividers, like the trays they're in, do not move at all because they are built in and solid. The clearance is about one inch from the top of the dividers with the lid closed. The top of the watch tray, all along the perimeter and the top of the dividers, is cushioned about 4 mm deep. The other black surfaces, inside and out, are not as padded, but they are soft to the touch. The faux suede is little more than paint, but these watch cases are on a whole other level than the cardboard slat versions; just not the same thing at all.
    ● WATCH PILLOW PERFECTION: I was shopping for fluffy pillows like the ones you get in single-watch cases. But these glass top cases are for display, and I realized soft fluffy pillows aren't made for that. These watch pillows have a definite capsular profile with firm cornered edges. But the middle part which the watch wraps around, is softer with some tension to securely hold the watch. The firmness of each pillow allows it to fit snugly in its slot so that it can be lifted up at the back for that tilted display which some prefer. Even when the lid is closed.
    ● GENERAL DIMENSIONS INFO: Hopefully, you will find pillow and pillow space dimensions elsewhere. I'm focusing instead on other insights most people neglect. Suffice it to say my Tesla watch, including the tubes and leather wristband, is tilted up in the closed case without occupying any space intended for a neighboring watch on either side.
    ● A FEW GENERAL STATEMENTS: Rothwell cases are among the more pricey ones in Amazon, but having purchased one of the cheaper black faux leather cases with the white thread trim, I can tell you that I can not settle for less than the Rothwell design. When I pick up my Rothwell case, it feels good in my hands, and my watches look good in it. I'm sure I dont want strangers to see it and be tempted to visit in my absence. I suppose certain people who are used to genuine leather and fine artisnal craftsmanship, will not be as impressed by the Rothwell series watch cases. But we do our own chores, so to us, the Rothwell brand is exquisite, luxurious, a persistent pleasure to own. Generally speaking, if asked, my advice would be to spend a little more to enjoy how you keep your watches. I shouldn't be spending this kind of money on anything, so I had to think about it for a few weeks, and now I'm trying to decide whether I'll own three or four Rothwell display cases.
    ▪︎Note that this information mostly applies to the single-tier twelve-slot case. The other bigger case arrived in pieces due to poor packing.
    ▪︎If you prefer a different type of watch pillow, you can purchase them elsewhere. Be careful with your measurements.
    ▪︎There is one feature that Rothwell missed. If you want a ribbon or side hinge to keep the lid from wearing out, you could add your own, but give it some thought first. You want to get it right.
    Amazon Customer
    5,0 von 5 Sternen
    Things Got Very Complicated

    Bewertet in den USA am27. März 2023
    [EDIT1/1]: The third Rotnwell case I ordered was the single tiered 12-slot case. Amazing! It came in two days! I have one thing to say about the packaging. NOW THAT'S HOW TWO PACKAGE A ROTHWELL CASE FOR SHIPPING!!! It arrived quickly and in immaculate shape. I need to order the two-tiered 12-slot case next. 👍
    ● THINGS GOT VERY COMPLICATED: I made the right purchases, but things went wrong. Three items arrived in a 16"×18"×12" box. 1.) the 2.4 lb watch repair kit was 9.33"D×14.17"W×1.54"H, 2.) the smaller 4.8 lb Rothwell case was 9.5"D×16.0"W×3.75"H, and 3.) the larger 7.5 lb Rothwell case was 9.5"D×16.0"W×5.375"H. When they were shipped, they were prepped for gift-wrapping, not prepped for shipment. Somebody used only four of those little air pillows in a row to protect everything, and the first and fourth pillows were deflated. Damage was almost guaranteed to occur. One of the corners of the outer shipping box was torn from top to bottom.
    ● PACKING FOR TRANSPORT: The single-tier twelve-slot case arrived in pristine condition. But the two-tier twelve-slot case with jewelry drawer arrived as a threat to health and safety. Unboxing started with pleasantly heightened anticipation and ended with a vacuum cleaner. I'm not sure what the transparent part of the lid is made of, but it shatters just like glass. Uncountable little pieces clinked and tinkled as we cautiously raised the styrofoam sheet only to confirm our disappointment. I was looking forward to the delivery, but I anticipated no problems. Was my anticipation rewarded? Yes. Was it denied? Yes. Because "Things Got Very Complicated". Now I have to hope the replacement arrives in better shape than the first one did. The Rothwell b9x had a giant "V"-shaped gash in the top and it was full of pieces of shattered glass.
    ● HALF INCH THICK DIVIDERS: The dividers are more or less, near 12.7 mm or 0.5 in wide. These are not thin cardboard slats that change position depending on the humidity. Rothwell dividers, like the trays they're in, do not move at all because they are built in and solid. The clearance is about one inch from the top of the dividers with the lid closed. The top of the watch tray, all along the perimeter and the top of the dividers, is cushioned about 4 mm deep. The other black surfaces, inside and out, are not as padded, but they are soft to the touch. The faux suede is little more than paint, but these watch cases are on a whole other level than the cardboard slat versions; just not the same thing at all.
    ● WATCH PILLOW PERFECTION: I was shopping for fluffy pillows like the ones you get in single-watch cases. But these glass top cases are for display, and I realized soft fluffy pillows aren't made for that. These watch pillows have a definite capsular profile with firm cornered edges. But the middle part which the watch wraps around, is softer with some tension to securely hold the watch. The firmness of each pillow allows it to fit snugly in its slot so that it can be lifted up at the back for that tilted display which some prefer. Even when the lid is closed.
    ● GENERAL DIMENSIONS INFO: Hopefully, you will find pillow and pillow space dimensions elsewhere. I'm focusing instead on other insights most people neglect. Suffice it to say my Tesla watch, including the tubes and leather wristband, is tilted up in the closed case without occupying any space intended for a neighboring watch on either side.
    ● A FEW GENERAL STATEMENTS: Rothwell cases are among the more pricey ones in Amazon, but having purchased one of the cheaper black faux leather cases with the white thread trim, I can tell you that I can not settle for less than the Rothwell design. When I pick up my Rothwell case, it feels good in my hands, and my watches look good in it. I'm sure I dont want strangers to see it and be tempted to visit in my absence. I suppose certain people who are used to genuine leather and fine artisnal craftsmanship, will not be as impressed by the Rothwell series watch cases. But we do our own chores, so to us, the Rothwell brand is exquisite, luxurious, a persistent pleasure to own. Generally speaking, if asked, my advice would be to spend a little more to enjoy how you keep your watches. I shouldn't be spending this kind of money on anything, so I had to think about it for a few weeks, and now I'm trying to decide whether I'll own three or four Rothwell display cases.
    ▪︎Note that this information mostly applies to the single-tier twelve-slot case. The other bigger case arrived in pieces due to poor packing.
    ▪︎If you prefer a different type of watch pillow, you can purchase them elsewhere. Be careful with your measurements.
    ▪︎There is one feature that Rothwell missed. If you want a ribbon or side hinge to keep the lid from wearing out, you could add your own, but give it some thought first. You want to get it right.
    Bilder in dieser Rezension
  • Sniler
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Ok
    Bewertet in Frankreich am 27. Dezember 2024
    Farbe: Schwarz/RotVerifizierter Kauf
    Bonne qualité
  • J. Cheng
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Great quality and value watch box for large watches
    Bewertet in Großbritannien am 22. August 2024
    Farbe: Schwarz/RotVerifizierter Kauf
    I bought a couple of watch boxes before and none would fit my larger watches. If you are something to store your slimmer and smaller dress watches, any advertised boxes would work just fine. But I am a G-Shock collector and also have a few larger field tool watches, I found that most boxes just don't have enough space in between holders to allow these large watches (45mm plus). Rothwell watch boxes, however, is big and spacious. They fit my larger G-Shock watches side by side without problem. Quality is good too with velvety lining and the cushions are soft. It feels more expensive than it is. Overall, a recommended product.
  • Sandra Laermans
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent product
    Überprüft in Belgien am 5. April 2024
    Farbe: Schwarz/RotVerifizierter Kauf
    Was lucky to find availability of this box in my local Amazon store. Excellent price/quality. Build quality shows no defects. As you can see in the picture even bigger watches fit well. The cushions are rather small so most watches are not tight on the roll (with watches set to my wrist size), but the rolls fix themselves in the pockets so nothing moves.
    Sandra Laermans
    5,0 von 5 Sternen
    Excellent product

    Überprüft in Belgien am 5. April 2024
    Was lucky to find availability of this box in my local Amazon store. Excellent price/quality. Build quality shows no defects. As you can see in the picture even bigger watches fit well. The cushions are rather small so most watches are not tight on the roll (with watches set to my wrist size), but the rolls fix themselves in the pockets so nothing moves.
    Bilder in dieser Rezension
  • Mattia Modesti
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Ben rifinita e solida
    Bewertet in Italien am 9. März 2024
    Farbe: Schwarz/RotVerifizierter Kauf
    Ottima scatola per orologi.
    È grande per essere da 12 pezzi ma è molto molto bella, dal vero rende estremamente di più che in foto.
    Il vetro è infrangibile e permette la mostra di tutti i 12 orologi che può contenere, senza che le cornici laterali del coperchio vadano a impedirne la visuale.
    La consiglio vivamente!